The Girl Who Lost Her Way

Rachel Gerk
11 min readOct 25, 2022

A little baby came into this world, as all of them do — innocent, pure, new. She had a purpose, but it was forgotten on the journey to this new experience; all that remained was the instinct to survive, to seek love and comfort, to grow. And grow she did.

The people around her helped her and became her safe space. They were her people; they cared for her and gave her love when she cried, so she thrived. She found delight in discovering this world. She was happy and secure.

Until she wasn’t. Her people grew apart, separated. They were sad, angry, and hurt. They didn’t know how to care for her as well as themselves anymore. They didn’t know where to put all this hurt, and so they funneled it into this little girl.

Silhouette of two people, woman in anguish, backlit by beach sunset.
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

One of her people blamed others for his pain; he had been hurt by his own people and couldn’t bear to take blame. Nothing was ever his fault and since the little girl was the only one around, she began to accept the blame. She didn’t understand what she had done, but she did know for certain that she had hurt him. He told her every day how she wasn’t good enough, how she could be better — so she tried to be.



Rachel Gerk

Ex-chef/cook, current food-lover, equal parts adventurer and stay-at-home introvert, photography enthusiast, and spiritual explorer. Also, cats dig me.